Once your uploaded video displays (here is how to upload your video), you can self-reflect on your video.
- Click the “Play” button to start watching your video. The comment timer will also begin when your video begins to play.
- While your video is playing, click your cursor in the comment field to pause the video and enter any comment you would like to embed. Your comment will automatically get time-stamped to that particular instance in the video.
- Click “Options” to the right of the comments field to access a menu that allows you to dynamically categorize your feedback with a Type, Rubric, and/or Tag.
- Once you have entered your comment and optional tags, click “Save Comment”.
- Comments can also be edited or deleted from the comment summary box located at the bottom of the screen.
- When you are finished adding and embedding comments, click “Manage My Video” in the upper left.
There are three options for using your video. The first is to do nothing, and keep the video private for personal self-reflection. The second two are the Share for Collaboration or Submit for Observation.
- At the top click “Manage Video,” then select “Share Video.”
- Select the appropriate cohort from the dropdown.
- Select the participants with whom you want to share the video and click “Share with Colleagues.”
- Return to your dashboard by clicking the logo in the top left blue bar.
- Your colleague will receive a notification that a video has been shared and you’ll be able to review their comments as they become available.
- At the top click “Manage Video,” then select “Submit Video.”
- Select the appropriate cohort from the dropdown.
- Select the Observer to whom you want to submit the video.
- Select the framework or rubric appropriate for your video.
- Select “Coaching” or “Evaluation” as the purpose of the observation.
- Click “Submit to Observer.”
- Return to your dashboard by clicking the logo in the top left blue bar.
- Your Observer will receive a notification that a video has been submitted and you’ll be able to review their feedback once they have sent it to you.
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