In the upper right corner of the Dashboard, click the “+CREATE” button then click “Upload A Video” to begin.
- Step One: Basic Information:
- You will first need to drop your video or click in the upload area to select a video from your file browser to upload your video file.
- A loading bar will appear showing the progress and completion of your upload. Upload speeds are based on file size and bandwidth. You can look for help on compressing videos HERE
- You will then need to enter basic video information including the following: Video Title, Date Recorded, Purpose (Evaluation or Coaching), Content, Level, Session, and Number of Participants.
- Click the “Continue” to proceed once the video is ready (when the continue button is no longer grayed out).
- Step Two: Pre-Observation Survey:
Complete the fields for any questions observation questions if applicable set up by your administrator. You can answer these questions later unless they are required. (*indicates a required field).
- On the second part of the "Pre-Observation Survey", add any resource documents/links related to your video by clicking the “Add Documentation” and/or the "Add Link" button. For adding documentation, use the Browse button to locate the supporting documents you wish to add. Once you locate and select the desired file, click on “Open” and then “Add Documentation” to add it to your video. To add any online resources related to your video, click the "Add Link" button. You will be able to copy and paste the URL and title the link.
- Once you are finished adding resources, click the “SAVE AND CONTINUE” button to continue.
It may take time for your video to transcode, and so it may not be available for viewing right away, and might even appear that there is an error. If this is the case, check back on your video upload progress in 10-15 minutes.
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