Monday, February 20, 2023 ADVANCEfeedback® Updates
New Video Discussions
Experience a new and easy to use layout for adding video comments and engaging in discussions.
- To add time stamped comments and categorize them click in the box beneath the video to automatically pause the video. Here you can provide a comment, a question or give feedback. A timestamp will be added to the timeline below the video as an icon.
- You can add detail to your comment with tags by clicking the buttons below the commenting box. You can tag the type of comment: clarification, question, observation etc. or tag a specific domain from the framework. Other tags may be available depending on your account customization. To submit your comment, press the Comment button.
- You can change the timestamp of your comment as you are typing. Click the lock icon next to the timer to unlock the time. It will turn blue when it is unlocked and gray when it is locked. When it is unlocked, continue to play the video or drag the gray status indicator to the time of the video where you want your comment placed. Click the lock to sync the timing.
- You can reply to comments by clicking the Reply button below each comment. This will open a box where you can type your reply. Press the Comment button to submit your reply.
- Continue the discussion by adding new comments, and adding replies to other shared comments.
- You can attach documents and links to your comments. These attachments may be lesson plans, artifacts, links to google docs or websites to support the viewers’ understanding. Add these documents and links by pressing the Attach button below the comment or reply box.
- Your attached documents and links will show up in the conversation thread.
- To edit your comments or replies, click the ellipsis on the right side of your comment. Then choose from the options: Edit Comment, Edit Timestamp or Delete.
- To Edit Timestamp, choose a new time by selecting a new time from the dropdown lists the carats then press Update Timestamp. This will also adjust your timestamp avatar on the timeline beneath the video.
- You can easily see the total number of comments provided and who the video is shared with in this session. You can filter the comments at the top of the discussion column. Choose a name to filter the comments from the dropdown list next to Comments from.
- The Tag Visualizer button will give you a visual analysis of all tags used in commenting. It will show a graphic of the distribution of comments by framework, type of comments and other tags (if available).
Wednesday, December 28, 2022 ADVANCEfeedback® Updates
ADVANCEfeedback® Add web or Google doc links when you upload a video
You are now able to add web or Google doc links when you upload a video. After answering the Pre-Observation questions you will see a new Add Link button next to the Add Documentation button.
You will then add the web link or the shared Google doc link and give it a name to display.
Your new web link will show up under the buttons. Any links or documentation can be deleted by clicking the X next to it.
If you need to add documentation or web links after you have uploaded a video go to Manage My Video and select Add Documentation.
You will be able to access links and documentation when commenting on a shared or submitted video by opening the Survey Response from the video header. All links will open in a new browser tab.
ADVANCEfeedback® Now add web links and files when providing Observee feedback
If you are an Observer providing feedback to an Observee for a Submitted video you can now add documentation and web links in additional to adding resources from the resource library.
The files shown in the Browse Resources are available from the Resource Library. Add Documentation allows you to select and upload files from your device. Add Links allows you to add web or Google doc links. Any uploaded documents and links that are added will be shared with the Observee in the Observation report but will not be saved to the resource library.
All resources can be found under the Recommended Resources tab in the Observation Report.
Observer View:
Observee View:
Wednesday, June 28, 2022 ADVANCEfeedback® Growth Reports are now available!
ADVANCEfeedback® Growth Reports 2022
You can find the Growth Reports here
Reports Overview
Growth Reports |
Report name & Description |
When to Use It? |
Video Statistics This report shows the combined data across all areas of video activity for either an individual educator or for the organization within the selected date range. |
This report defaults to 6 months from current date but the date range can be changed to match a coaching plan or other scheduled deadlines to review total individual educator or organizational statistics. |
Videos Shared This report shows the name of each video shared, who shared it, date shared and comments sent and received. Information shown is for either an individual educator or for the organization within the selected date range and for the selected cohort. |
This report defaults to 6 months from the current date but the date range can be changed to match a coaching plan or other scheduled deadlines. Select a cohort to see the individual educator or organization videos shared in that cohort. |
Videos Submitted This report shows the name of each video submitted, submission date, who submitted it, who it was submitted to and if the submission cycle was completed. Information shown is for either an individual educator or for the organization within the selected date range and for the selected cohort. |
This report defaults to 6 months from the current date but the date range can be changed to match a coaching plan or other scheduled deadlines. Select a cohort to see the individual educator or organization videos submitted in that cohort. |
Instructional Focus This report shows the number of times the rating level was given for each framework level, the average rating for each level and rating change for each level during the time period. Information shown is for either an individual educator or for all educators in the selected date range and for the selected cohort. |
This report defaults to 6 months from current date but the date range can be selected. Choose a framework if more than one is used in your organization. Choose a cohort to view the number and rating changes by individual educator or organization. |
Video Statistics Report
This report shows the combined data across all areas of video activity within the selected date range.
For an individual educator the information shown is for their activity in ADVANCEfeedback. The account admin can choose to see the information for all educators.
Understanding the Data:
Logins - number of logins that occurred during the selected date range
Videos Uploaded - the number of videos uploaded selected date range
Self-Reflection - the number of videos that have at least one comment made by the educator who uploaded the video, If self-reflection is a requirement the admin can compare the number of videos uploaded with the number of videos under self-reflection to see how these numbers compare.
Videos Shared by Me - the number of videos that an individual educator has shared (videos they have uploaded)
Videos Shared with Me - the number of videos that have been shared with the educator (the admin can see all videos shared in their organization)
Comments Sent - the number of comments sent by an individual educator (on their own videos and on videos shared with the educator)
Comments Received - The number of comments received by the educator on their own videos (the admin can see the total number of comments received on all videos)
Videos Submitted by Me - the number of videos that an individual educator has submitted
Videos Submitted to Me - the number of videos that have been submitted to the educator (the admin can see all videos submitted in their organization)
Submissions Complete - The number of videos submitted for observation where feedback has been received and acknowledged by the educator who submitted the video
*Account Admins will be able to see all account data by selecting
The Videos Shared by Me, Comments Received and Videos Submitted by Me will show 0 in this view.
Customizing the Report:
Date Range - the default is 6 months from current date but the date range can be changed to match a coaching plan or other scheduled deadlines to review total individual educator or organizational statistics.
CSV Download Report - Download the data that is viewable on the screen as a CSV file.
Videos Shared Report
This report shows the name of each video shared, who shared it, date shared and comments sent and received within the selected date range and for the selected cohort. Information shown for an individual educator includes all of the videos the educator has shared and videos shared with the educator. The account admin can choose to see videos shared by all educators.
Understanding the Data:
Video Title - the title of the shared video
Shared Date - the date the video was shared
Shared by - the educator who shared the video
Comments Sent - the number of comments sent by the individual educator for the video. Educators and account admins can review the total number of comments made to see if feedback is being provided.
Comments Received - The number of comments received for the video. Account admins will not see any data in this column.
*Account Admins will be able to see all account data by selecting
Customizing the Report:
Date Range - the default is 6 months from current date but the date range can be changed to match a coaching plan or other scheduled deadlines.
Cohort - Individual educators will be able to select any cohort that they belong to. The account admin will be able to select any cohort in the organization including the organization cohort which will show all shared videos in the date range.
CSV Download Report - Download the data that is viewable on the screen as a CSV file. The CSV report also includes who each video has been shared with. The date range and cohort can be used to filter the data for the CSV report.
Video Submitted Report
This report shows the name of each video shared, who shared it, date shared and comments sent and received within the selected date range and for the selected cohort. Information shown for an individual educator includes all of the videos the educator has shared and videos shared with the educator. The account admin can choose to see videos shared by all educators.
Understanding the Data:
Video Title - the title of the submitted video
Submitted Date - the date the video was submitted
Submitted By - the educator who submitted the video
Submitted To - the coach the video was submitted to
Submitted Complete - Yes if the video submission has been completed and feedback has been received and acknowledged by the educator who submitted the video
*Account Admins will be able to see all account data by selecting
Customizing the Report:
Date Range - the default is 6 months from current date but the date range can be changed to match a coaching plan or other scheduled deadlines.
Cohort - Individual educators will be able to select any cohort that they belong to. The account admin will be able to select any cohort in the organization including the organization cohort which will show all submitted videos in the date range.
CSV Download Report - Download the data that is viewable on the screen as a CSV file. The date range and cohort can be used to filter the data for the CSV report.
Instructional Focus Report
View for Individual Educator
View for Account Admin
This report shows the number of times the rating level was given for each framework level, the average rating for each level and rating change for each level during the time period. Information shown for an individual educator includes only their ratings and rating changes. The account admin can see the number of ratings and the rating changes for all educators.
Understanding the Data:
Framework Domain/Component - the hierarchy for the framework/rubric selected will be shown when the caret is pointed up .
No. of Ratings for the time period - the number of ratings columns match the ratings set up with the framework (for example: 1 - Developing , 2 - Proficient, 3 - Accomplished, 4 - Distinguished). It shows the number of times the rating was given for each level of the framework.
Average Rating for the time period - this shows the average rating for each level of the framework
Rating Change for the time period - the rating changes are shown as up , down , NC, no change and for no rating.
At the component level the rating change is based on the average of all educators who were rated during the time period. For individual educators the rating change is calculated by comparing either the two most recent ratings received during the time period or a comparison of the most recent rating prior to the beginning of the time period.
Customizing the Report:
Date Range - the default is 6 months from current date but the date range can be changed to match a coaching plan or other scheduled deadlines.
Framework - choose a framework if more than one is used in your organization.
Cohort - individual educators will be able to select any cohort that they belong to. The account admin will be able to select any cohort in the organization including the organization cohort.
CSV Download Report - download the report data for each educator in the CSV file. The date range, framework and cohort can be used to filter the data for the CSV report.
Monday, February 21, 2022 The following NEW FEATURES are now available!
1. New iOS and Android Apps for ADVANCEfeedback®
The new iOS App will be available on the Apple App store, and the new Android App will be available on the Google Play store*.
*If you are a current iOS App user, you will need to delete your existing app and download the new one.
In the new App you will be able to:
- Compress and Tag: After you allow the App to access your videos, select one to compress. Compressing the video improves upload time.
- Upload videos: Click on the three dots next to the compressed video and choose Upload. The video size and recording quality will affect the time it takes for the video to upload.
- Go to Insight ADVANCE Web*: You will be logged into Insight ADVANCE on your browser. You can answer observation questions, add documentation and take other actions.
*optimized for tablets only.
2. Streamlined Video upload on the Web
- Simpler process with percentage indicators for uploading and processing (transcoding) a video.
- Once the video is uploaded and processed the Continue button becomes active and allows you to answer the Observation survey. You can always answer these questions later.
- Once the observation survey is complete and you have added documentation SAVE and CONTINUE to Manage My Video.
3. Manage My Video
- If your organization has more than one framework you will need to select one and SAVE it.
- You can then choose what you want to do next:
- Edit Video Data (If they have uploaded the video from the App you may need to Answer the survey Questions and Add Documentation) and you can also Edit the Video Details or Delete your Video
- Self-reflection Select this option to reflect on your video, add comments, questions and attach framework tags. All self-reflection comments will be seen by anyone you share with or submit to.
- Share this Video Share the video with colleagues or coaches for collaborative feedback and discussion (make specific comments for those you are sharing with in the shared session).
- Submit this Video Submit for more in-depth coaching or observation
- If you choose Self-reflection, Share this Video or Submit this Video a new Session will appear under Current Sessions. You can only create one Self-Reflection session.
4. Video Manager
- Find and then manage all videos from one place
- Each video that the user has uploaded will have a Manage My Video button to launch that specific video
- When pressing the play button on the video you can preview it
- A new Self-Reflection Videos tab is available to review all videos where you have made at least one self-reflection comment
- The Submitted Videos tab shows the most recent status for each video submitted. You can click the arrow to show the status history for each video.
5. Finally, an Updated Header for video sessions
- A new layout for the video information and Session display
- The ability to download and print the Survey question answers for the video
July 23, 2021
New updates today:
ADVANCEfeedback - Video Manager
Find all of your videos and those shared and submitted to and by you in the updated Video Manager. The notifications on the dashboard will continue to let you know about your recent activities but the Video Manager will allow you to sort, filter and search all of your videos. You will see status changes when new comments are added and submitted observations are updated.
The My Videos Tab lists all of the videos that you have uploaded.
Shared Videos tab lists all videos shared with you and those you have shared. Each time you share a video with new users it will appear in this tab. You will now see new commenting status (received and sent). The status updates for commenting occur once a day if new comments are sent or received.
Find shared videos by using the date and/or status filters.
The Submitted Videos tab shows the most recent status for each video submitted. You can click the arrow to show the status history for each video.
Find submitted videos by using the date and/or status filters.
November 10, 2020
New updates today:
Search has been added to All Video Status
Growth Reports: My Video Statistics have been updated.
August 10, 2020
There are some exciting new updates today. Here is a quick look at what is included.
Dashboard Features:
New notifications on your dashboard since your last log in will be highlighted in blue. Once you have clicked on the notification and then return to the dashboard it will no longer be highlighted.
You can now delete your notifications by clicking on the product icon and then placing your cursor over the notification that you would like to delete and then click on the red X. (Note: you cannot delete notifications from the "Recent" tab.)
ADVANCEfeedback - All Video Status
To help you stay organized with all of the videos you have uploaded, submitted, shared or those submitted or shared with you there is a new section called the All Video Status. To find this section either click on the All Videos link in the Status section of the dashboard,
Or click on the All Video Status button in the blue navigation pane under ADVANCEfeedback.
The first tab on the All Video Status screen will show you all the videos the you have uploaded.
The next tab "Submitted Videos" will show all videos submitted by you and videos submitted to you along with the status for each video. A submitted video may appear three times, one for each status
The last tab shows the Videos shared by and Videos shared with me. To see who the video has been shared with click on this symbolfor the video details.
July 1, 2020
Insight ADVANCE support will not be available on Friday, July 3, 2020 because of the Independence Day holiday. Happy 4th!
June 1, 2020
Welcome! This is where you will see the latest news and updates from Insight ADVANCE.
Today we are providing some exciting new updates to the ADVANCE Suite. We hope that you will find them beneficial and easy to use.
First, you will notice some changes to your dashboard. On the right you will see the notifications for all products that you are using in ADVANCE Suite. You can view the most recent notifications or notifications by product.
The Status on the left for ADVANCEfeedback includes:
- Uploaded Videos (all the video you have uploaded
- Shared Videos (all videos you have shared plus those shared with you)
- Submitted Videos (all videos you have submitted plus those submitted to you)
The Status for ADVANCElive includes:
- Meetings that are scheduled
- Trainings that are scheduled
The Status for ADVANCEcalibrate includes:
- Pending
- In Progress
- Complete
There are some new updates in the resource library. Videos can be uploaded, viewed and if allowed also downloaded (check the Allow Download box). A more user friendly file name can be added for viewing purposes. Resources can be uploaded and assigned to an entire cohort, to a role or to a specific user.*
*The ability to upload and assign resources is dependent on the user role and permissions.
Welcome to our new ADVANCEcalibrate users. Teacher Evaluators can get access to both the Teacher Practice Assessment and Teacher Credentialing Assessment in the left navigation pane.
Are you looking for the search and filtering from the original dashboard? You can find them by clicking All under Views in the left navigation pane
You will notice that the ADVANCEfeedback reports and other features** can now be found under the ADVANCEfeedback section of the left navigation pane.
**Features are depending on your role and permissions.
The Insight ADVANCE Development and Support Team
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